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Summer time is a busy time. Road trips and vacations, while wonderful, often bring with them constant snacking and frequent fast food pit stops. To combat the call of convenient fried foods, and in the name of saving a few dollars, we've compiled a few ways the GoStak portable container system can help.

No matter your destination, the GoStak is perfect for pre-packing healthy and proportioned snacks, work-out supplements, and more. To keep your wallets fat and your waists trim, we've come up with a few healthy solutions your portable protein and snacking needs.

Stack 1: On the Road (or In the Air)

Regular, healthy snacking is an effective way to avoid fast-food binges during pit stops. This GoStak mix is perfect for getting you where you need to go and staying healthy along the way:

Meal Replacement Powder

Whether you're stopping for gas or flying internationally, finding water shouldn't be too much of a problem. That means mixing a meal replacement shake is one of the easiest on-the-go options for keeping your appetite in check. In addition to their simplicity, meal replacement shakes are almost guaranteed to be healthier than anything found gassing up or in an airport terminal.


Almonds are simple, filling, and easily snackable. This nutty option allows you to keep your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, and stomachs satisfied.

Dried Fruit

The natural sugars in fruit can help keep you awake on the road or when waiting for a layover. Typical fruit options (unless pre-sliced) can be difficult to manage while traveling and leave you with unwanted peels and garbage. By packing some dehydrated fruit, you'll gain all of the benefits fruit can offer without any of the mess.

Stack 2: When Adventure Calls

Nobody likes to put fun on hold to re-fuel. With the new GoStak, you don't have to. This mix provides healthy energy to keep you going once you arrive at your destination:

Peanut Butter

Full of protein, peanut butter is a delicous way to fill-up fast and stay energized for hours. A 60cc GoStak jar carries a nice portion for spreading on a bagel, dipping pretzels, or eating all by itself.

Dried Cranberries

Pair these with your peanut butter bagel, or snack on them while you hike. Either way these are a great-tasting way to satisfy your sweet-tooth while adding antioxidants to your diet.

Whole-Wheat Pretzels

Along with several other health benefits, whole-wheat pretzels provide complex carbohydrates to help fight the mid-afternoon slump. When energy levels start getting low, reach for this snack to combat mid-day exhaustion.

Dark-Chocolate Chocolate Chips

If you're on vacation, it's certainly okay to allow a few extra treats. If you don't want to come home with five pounds of extra baggage, however, it's important to keep your sweet tooth in check. Try carrying some dark-chocolate chocolate chips with you to fight sweet cravings throughout the day. In moderation, this can be a guilt-free treat that provides a variety of health benefits.


Rich with B-vitamins and an exceptional source of protein, jerky is a great snack to keep you full between meals and energized on any adventure.

Stack 3: Work it Out

Skipping town shouldn't mean skipping work-outs. The GoStak is the perfect protein carrier, allowing you to pack pre-, intra-, and post-workout supplements to accompany any fitness routine. Whether you run on the beach or stick to your hotel's fitness center, maintaining healthy exercise habits while on vacation will ease the transition back to reality when the time comes. Furthermore, maintaining the use of your daily supplements will ensure you get the most out of any workout. Tell us, how do you travel with the new GoStak?

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