Did you know creatine is one of the most popular supplements on the market worldwide? Athletes from all over utilize this product.
There are many benefits, but there is also a lot of false information out there too. It's important to know how to properly use creatine before jumping in.
If you're considering adding creatine to your supplement routine, keep reading. We are going to discuss the benefits, debunk some myths, and tell you about creatine effects.
What Is It
Creatine is a natural amino acid found in our muscles, red meat, and seafood. It can also be produced in a lab.
The supplement is a controversial topic even though it is one of the most researched products. It is permitted by many federations including the International Olympic Committee and the NCAA.
The purpose is to enhance athletes' performance. Many bodybuilders and weight lifters use creatine to increase muscle mass and strength.
Who Can Use It
Healthy athletes that are above the age of eighteen can take creatine. It's a supplement and while there's no age limit when it comes to purchasing it; it's not recommended for young athletes.
Creatine can be used for sprinters and for those who enjoy high-intensity workouts. However, it can also be useful for anaerobic training.
When you should take creatine is debated and many supplement companies will tell you to add it to your pre-work. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what time you take it.
You can take it at night or in the morning. If it helps you to add it to your pre-workout, you can.
Just remember, you want to keep it in your body constantly. If you take it early one morning and then wait until the next night to consume it again, you may not get the most out of it. It will work best if you take it around the same time every day so your body has it consistently.
Creatine Uses
Knowing how to properly use creatine will increase your chances of seeing results. Many people choose a loading phase. You'll take 20 to 25 grams per day for one week.
Then you'll cut down to 5 grams a day to maintain the amount in your body. It's most effective when it's taken every day, even on days you aren't training. Eating a meal that is high in protein and carbs before taking creatine will help your body absorb the supplement.
It's crucial that you drink a lot of water. Creatine pulls water into the muscles; if you aren't hydrated the supplement won't be as effective.
It's important to know that you'll see more benefits from creatine if you work out. It isn't a magic supplement that will give super strength. You must put in the work; it's only meant to aid in your progress.
Myths About Creatine
We could talk all day about the misconceptions around creatine. There are assumptions about the supplement that simply are not true. Below are five common myths that people tend to believe.
1. Creatine Is Only for Men
The idea that creatine is only for men is false; many women use creatine in their supplement routine. There are no studies that show that creatine damages the female reproductive organs or other parts of their bodies. Women can benefit greatly from using creatine for muscle growth and recovery.
2. Creatine Causes Kidney Damage
The theory that creatine causes damage to the kidneys is a popular one and steers a lot of people away from the supplement. However, there have been studies that show the kidneys aren't really affected. If you have preexisting health issues, it's important to talk to a professional.
3. It Needs to Be Cycled
Creatine is not a steroid, which we will talk about next, meaning it does not need to be cycled. Some people believe they must stop taking creation for a period of time to let their bodies readjust.
However, since the body produces it naturally, you don't have to start and stop. The body benefits the most when it has reached its saturation points, which is why many athletes load the supplement when they first start.
There's no harm in taking some time off either. If you want to enter cut, you can remove it from your routine but you don't have to. It comes down to personal preference.
4. Creatine Is a Steroid
If creatine were a steroid, it would be banned from the NCAA and other professional sports associations. It's unfortunate that so many people believe this statement to be true.
The chemical makeup of steroids and creatine is completely different. Creatine is an amino acid and is naturally produced in the body; steroids aren't.
5. It's Useless Since It's Found in Food
Yes, it's true creatine is found in animal-based products. However, there is only a small amount. You would have to consume an unhealthy amount of red meat and fish to get the same amount you can from taking creatine powder.
How to Properly Use Creatine
Anytime you are adding a supplement to your diet, it's crucial that you do your research. There are a lot of products out there that aren't beneficial.
However, creatine is not one of them. There are many scientists and doctors that support the use of creatine for healthy athletes and bodybuilders.
Now that you know how to properly use creatine, you can add it to your daily routine. If you found this article helpful, check out our page for more healthy lifestyle and training tips.
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