A few tips to sticking with your New Year's resolution
Goal setting is a key factor in improving yourself, whether physically, mentally, socially, etc. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you strive to keep those new year's resolutions.
1) Write it down and keep it out
Have you ever set a goal, only to forget about it a week later? The first step to successful goal setting is to write it down. Break it into smaller steps and then keep it in a place where you will see it regularly. If out of sight is out of mind, then keep your resolution where you can see it!
2) Don't keep it a secret
Let others know about your goal. The more people that know, the larger your accountability becomes. Better yet, challenge a friend, family member, or co-worker to a contest or race based on your resolution a little friendly competition can go a long way.
3) Keep going!
Don't give up just because you slip here and there. Experts say it takes about 21 days for a new activity to become a habit. After about 6 months, that habit becomes second nature and part of your personality. Stick with your plan and you'll be feeling great in no time!
1 comment
This is great advice. Your 75% more likely to reach your goals if you physically write them down like in a journal. I use fitbook to set my nutrition and fitness goals and the daily tracking is a great reminder and like you said – it breaks it down into smaller steps. I keep mine in the kitchen to remind me of my goals and to eat accordingly to reach them.
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